FYI- Natural Hair

Natural Hair Dictionary:)

Adult Loc's: from 1 to 2 year mark, where your hair is fully loced and pretty care free.

BAA: Big Ass Afro

Baby Loc's: 0-6 month old locs. This is when you are awaiting buds of locs to appear in your hair

BC (Big Chop): The cutting off relaxed ends to reveal the natural texture of the hair.

Briadouts: Box braids with your hair that are set and taken out.


Co-Wash: Skipping the Shampoo and washing your hair with Conditioner only.

Creamy Crack: Prems or Relaxers

EO: Essential Oils- plant or fruit derived oils

EVOO: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Henna: Henna is a plant used to dye hair and other things like skin, nails, and even wool.

Pre-Poo: Applying a hair treatment before a shampoo to help combat the moisture stripping effects of most shampoos.

Protective Style: A Hair Style warn to protected your hair (braids, weaves, wigs,ect.)

Scab Hair: Is the rough texture of hair that you may experience while transitioning or on your freshly big chopped hair.

Teenage Loc's: a 6 months to 1 year locing period where your hair is pretty much doing what it whats to do. (give it time)

Transitioning: Is the stages in which you may be growing your relaxer out and your natural hair beings to grow.

TWA: Teeny Weeny Afro

Twistouts: Two strand twist that are set a then pulled apart to create curl definition.